
Connect with our team. We have a range of Healers, Mystics and Creatives who offer their services in this magical space as well.

Love Healing Transformations by Eve Marie

Is offering Lomi Lomi /Kahuna Bodywork Traditional Sacred Hawaiian Massage. Crystal Bowl & Shamanic Drum Sound Healing, Bush Flower Essence, Aromatherapy, Wellbeing Guidance, Energy Healing, Moon Ceremonies, Breathwork to nurture, detoxify, restore energy, soothe & heal trauma.
I am a very content mother of 4 beautiful children that were all born at home in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Australia. I am a Healer, Priestess, Transformational Therapist and Bodyworker, a Yogi, a Runner and an avid vegetable gardener.I am a woman who lives with the seasons, flows with the moon, moves with energies and speaks with spirit. Being a facilitator to people’s healings and witnessing one’s ultimate spiritual growth, empowerment and personal success is where I flourish and am at my happiest.
I can hold space for you to go within and heal. (I work with women and hold sacred women’s circles under the dark moon. Spiritual midwifery – Pre Nataly, birth and Post Nataly. As woman of deep ancestral Shamanic roots I hold healing space in drum sound journeys and quartz crystal bowl healings. 
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CAE Wellbeing Hub

Katie offers a range of services to nurture and honor your mind body and spirit.

Come and experience a deeply relaxing and restorative reiki session that incorporates the use of crystal therapy and sound frequency healing, book in for an intuitive reading and uncover profound insights into your journey ahead or immerse yourself in a spell craft session that aims to support you in your manifestation efforts.

Katie is an advanced reiki practitioner, psychic intuitive and spell craft specialist whose purpose is to support and empower others on their life’s journey, and to create a safe space where one can explore the many facets within knowing they are held, guided, and celebrated.

Each session is tailored specifically to your needs and is focused on creating outcomes that leave you feeling refreshed, restored, and inspired.

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Tasha Louise Medium

What is a mediumship/ spirit connection reading? Mediumship is all things talking to the loved ones who are no longer physically with us. I use the Clair’s for this maybe you’ve heard of them?Clairvoyance – `clear seeing’Clairaudience – `clear hearing’Claircognizance – `clear knowing’Clairsentience – `clear feeling’Clairgustance – `clear tasting’Clairsalience – `clear smelling’I don’t have all of these In a reading it’ll jump about depending what’s happening but in different stages I’ll hear then see then feel and not in this order lucky I write it all down for you You’ll notice in readings I can be very energetic sometimes I chat fast and I’ll move fast and this is because this is how I’m connecting sometimes I’ll do things your loved one would have done there’s been readings I haven’t been able to sit still for because the spirit I was communicating with was always on the go sometimes I talk so softly because that’s how they spoke I’m also an empath and often pick up on pains around you or some the spirits went through once I couldn’t stop itching the lower half of my leg and couldn’t figure out why (sprit lost that part of their leg) Sometimes taste or smell can come through but it’s very rare for me but I know others can do it really well!

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Image with text

I am Fi. The passionate director, Art Therapist and Creative Butterfly. I love supporting people in their healing and day-to-day living using the creative process. Having experienced childhood trauma, unhealthy relationships, neurodiversity, and a health crisis due to cancer, I have the passion, enthusiasm and the first-hand experience to guide you through the process of healing and to establish skills to manage stress and symptoms of ill health and well-being. Using art-making, movement, music, play, sound and writing along with other creative processes, art therapy is a powerful facility of growth for individuals and groups to bring meaning and joy to their lives. All humans are creative in some way, shape or form and we are all meant to be here to live our life as fully and authentically as possible. I am here to guide and witness you in living your best life.

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